Small businesses have realized the advantage of cloud solutions when it comes to data storage but still don’t take full advantage of the benefits of cloud technology. While you may take advantage of traditional web hosting, what are the other benefits of cloud computing for small businesses?
What Is Cloud Processing?
Cloud computing is a catch-all term that describes any off-site computing. For instance, instead of using physical server space or a computer hard drive for data storage, you may use products like Google Drive for file sharing and storage.
Cloud services vary, but they all have the shared features of providing access to the cloud solution via the internet, regardless of location and time. Here are some of the most common uses of cloud computing that most small businesses should consider:
- Cloud storage: this is a cloud computing service that stores your data securely and remotely. Employees can access this data anywhere as long as they have a mobile device and an internet connection. Businesses can use this as file storage for current business data to save on hardware space.
- Cloud backup: this is similar to storage in that it stores your business and personal data on a secure server or across multiple servers. However, the main reason for the backup is for disaster recovery instead of daily use.
- Cloud hosting: instead of buying an entire server to host your site, cloud hosting allows you to host your site on a remote server. This service can vary from dedicated hosting on your own virtual space to sharing virtual server space with other sites. Many hosts will also provide several data centers to choose from, giving your customers the benefit of a fast, responsive website.
- Software as Service: instead of installing software on every computer in your network, this cloud solution allows everyone to access the same software version via the web on their own mobile devices or computers.
The Five Benefits Of Cloud Processing Services
So what makes cloud computing so valuable to a small business? Here are just some of the reasons you should consider moving all of your computing needs to the cloud.
Scalable cloud storage and processing capacity
Small business owners expect their business to grow. As you grow, you’ll find that your IT needs grow as well. If you stick to a traditional solution, you’ll find that you need to expand your infrastructure constantly.
Working with cloud computing vendors eliminates the need for delays. Instead, you’ll find a cloud-based solution that can grow with you. Most cloud-based solutions have several tiers of service, so you only pay for what you need. Then, when you need more (or less), you switch to the digital service tier that meets your current needs.
Increased Flexibility
Collaboration becomes significantly easier if everyone can access the data simultaneously without being in the same room. Since people can work whenever and wherever they want to, they have more flexibility and freedom to take advantage of ideas when they hit, not only when they’re in the office.
No matter what type of small business you have, you’ll run into aspects that need a technological solution. Instead of having to develop your own cobbled-together program, you can take advantage of the expertise of strangers who’ve done it better than you. For instance, Shopify is an excellent inventory management, e-commerce, order tracking, and point-of-sale management tool that millions of small businesses use to sell their products online.
Having a cloud service provider frees up IT resources
As a small business owner, you don’t have the time or resources to dedicate to security concerns, managing physical infrastructure, and spending time updating and reinstalling software on multiple PCs and mobile devices. Even if you have a dedicated IT employee, you’ll probably spend more time handling small issues than planning for the future.
Letting a cloud provider handle some of these tasks can free up your IT department to consider what you need to succeed and plan accordingly.
Spend less on IT infrastructure costs
Physical servers cost money, as do high-end computers, software licenses, and all the other necessary components of a business network. These up-front costs are incredibly expensive and make starting a small business challenging, especially as your business expands.
Cloud computing providers have the latest in hardware infrastructure. Outsourcing your computing needs means that you’ll pay a known amount per month instead of having to pay high up-front costs as well as maintenance.
Increased resilience and reduced risks
If you have sensitive data, it’s essential to have a remote backup. Very few small businesses take the time to plan for disasters like corrupted data, ransomware attacks, or even physical office damage that can severely impact your ability to run your business.
Cloud computing offers secure backups, but it also helps your employees work, regardless of their location. Cloud solutions mean that you won’t have sensitive information on the same server as your ordinary data, maximizing your security and ability to recover from a disaster.
Contact Network Elites
No matter what computer task you can think of, there’s likely to be a cloud-based solution. There are many benefits to cloud solutions, especially for small businesses that can’t afford high up-front costs.
Some businesses want to protect their data, while others are interested in a whole suite of cloud-based solutions. If you’re interested in finding out what the cloud can do for you, get in touch with Network Elites. We offer managed IT services specially tailored towards your current business needs.