Wireless Network Site Survey & Heat Mapping

Wireless Network Site Survey & Heat Mapping are two vital services offered by Network Elites designed to help businesses optimize their wireless networks for maximum efficiency and performance. These services comprehensively analyze a business’s wireless network infrastructure and provide actionable insights to enhance the network’s capabilities.

Don’t settle for a subpar wireless network – call us today to schedule your Wireless Network Site Survey & Heat Mapping appointment and see the difference for yourself. Contact us now to take the first step toward a more efficient and effective wireless network!

Wireless Network Site Survey

A Wireless Network Site Survey is an in-depth analysis of a business’s wireless network infrastructure. This service aims to ensure that a business’s wireless network is performing at optimal levels, providing reliable coverage, and meeting the needs of its users. Our team of experts will survey the business’s premises, analyze the wireless network infrastructure, and recommend the best placement of wireless access points to provide the best coverage and performance.

Features of a Wireless Network Site Survey

A thorough assessment of the business’s premises, including the physical layout, building materials, and potential interference sources.

Analysis of the existing wireless network infrastructure, including access points, antennas, and cabling.

Testing the wireless network’s performance, including coverage, signal strength, data rates, and network throughput.

Recommendations for improving the wireless network’s performance, including the placement of access points, the use of different types of antennas, and the implementation of network upgrades.

Comprehensive documentation of the results of the wireless network site survey, including maps, diagrams, and a detailed report of the findings and recommendations.

Identification and analysis of potential sources of interference, such as other wireless networks, Bluetooth devices, and microwave ovens, and recommendations for minimizing their impact on the wireless network.

Assessment of the network’s current capacity and recommendations for future capacity needs, including the number of access points required and the type of wireless technology that should be used.

Analysis of the wireless network’s security, including identifying potential vulnerabilities and recommendations for improving the network’s security.

Network site survey and heat mapping

Heat Mapping

Heat Mapping visualizes the coverage and performance of your wireless network. It provides a visual representation of signal strength, which helps to identify weak coverage areas, dead spots, and potential areas for improvement. Our heat maps expert team will use specialized software to create a heat map of the business’s wireless network and provide recommendations to enhance the network’s performance and coverage.

Visual Representation

A visual representation of signal strength, providing a clear understanding of the coverage and performance of a wireless network with heat maps.

Identification of Dead Spots

Identification of areas with weak coverage or dead spots, where there is little or no signal, helping to prioritize network upgrades.

Interference Analysis

Identification and analysis of potential sources of interference, such as other wireless networks, Bluetooth devices, and microwave ovens, and recommendations for minimizing their impact on the wireless network with heat maps.

Capacity Planning

Assessment of the network's current capacity and recommendations for future capacity needs, including the number of access points required and the type of wireless technology that should be used.

Network Optimization

Identification of areas for improvement, including the placement of access points, the use of different types of antennas, and the implementation of network upgrades to optimize network performance.


Our detailed reports include heat maps, diagrams, and detailed accounts of the findings and recommendations.

Expert wireless network surveys & heat mapping

Contact us at (214) 247-6962 to learn more about our wireless network & heat mapping services for the best solution to streamline your business process.

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